Improved wall plaster: SNiP and technology

In construction, improved wall plaster is a common option for a superior, long-lasting surface finish. This kind of plaster is perfect for both residential and commercial projects because of its smooth texture and capacity to produce a uniform surface.

The improved wall plaster application technology is simple, but it needs to adhere to certain rules in order to produce a long-lasting effect. The standards that direct this process are provided by SNiP (Construction Norms and Regulations), which address everything from material selection to application methods.

The main features of enhanced wall plaster will be discussed in this article, with an emphasis on the SNiP specifications that are crucial and the optimal methods for attaining a polished appearance. Knowing these rules is essential whether you’re a contractor or a do-it-yourself enthusiast if you want to build walls that are both aesthetically pleasing and sound structurally.

Differences in the method.

Improved plaster differs from other coating types in several ways and offers several advantages.

  1. the coating that is obtained using this method of application differs from those obtained using the usual method in a more even and smooth surface – its you can immediately paint it, cover it with putty or glue wallpaper on it;
  2. the layer of mixture required to achieve this effect is quite small – about 1.5 centimeters; this reduces the cost of finishing work;
  3. the thickness of the layer that improved wall plaster can reach, SNiP allows within 15 millimeters; with the usual method of application, this figure is 12 millimeters; it is thicker, since it has another, additional layer.
  4. according to the regulations, when applying improved and high-quality plaster, it is necessary to use construction beacons that have the same thickness as the expected finished coating layer;
  5. errors in creating an improved type of coating are lower than when using simple, conventional technology; thus, a vertical deviation is allowed within two millimeters per square meter of surface; no more than two areas of small irregularities can be present per four "squares";

Applying improved wall plaster in accordance with SNiP (Construction Norms and Regulations) standards improves durability and finish for construction projects. To ensure the best results, this article dissects the essential rules and technological advancements related to mixing, applying, and curing improved plaster. Comprehending these procedures ensures adherence to construction codes and contributes to the creation of a durable, wear-resistant surface that is smooth and resilient.

Technological nuances.

The basic steps of the technology used to apply improved plaster are the same as those used with other kinds of mixtures. Primers are sprayed on the surface initially. Next, priming. Next comes the primary plaster layer, or topcoat. Still, there are a few oddities:

  1. spraying is done with a fairly liquid plaster solution; it is applied to the wall and distributed over it without leveling; the thickness should not exceed five millimeters;
  2. the primer is made from a fairly thick solution, reminiscent of dough; only one layer is applied no more than seven to eight millimeters; in this case, sand is used in a mixture with a particle size of no more than two and a half millimeters;
  3. the topcoat is done in a very thin layer – about two millimeters; the size of the sand particles is no more than 1.2 millimeters, according to GOST 8736 – 93, a solution of the same density is used as for spraying – like liquid sour cream;
  4. due to the fact that the thickness of the improved wall plaster is no more than one and a half centimeters, it can be used to finish a wide variety of surfaces, including those with a rather complex topography.


This kind of plaster is utilized inside of buildings, including public, industrial, residential, and office spaces. It is also utilized for building and structure exterior finishing. Improved plaster coating is carried out primarily in several areas:

  • finishing of facade walls of stone, concrete, wooden, brick buildings;
  • plastering of columns, cornices, as well as facade rods made of stone, concrete, brick or wood;
  • finishing of walls and ceilings of interior spaces;
  • finishing of cornices and window openings, as well as platbands of straight and curved shapes.

Preparing the wall.

The base is prepared with great care. First, the surface is cleared of all foreign objects. Then protrusions—irregularities—are eliminated.

Expert advice: it’s best to moisten the wall with a deeply penetrating primer before beginning the plastering process. This will increase the solution’s adherence to the wall. It ought to completely dry.

Mix the ingredients.

Sand and slaked lime can be combined to make the coating’s mixture. One to one and a half is the powder to water ratio. If adding sand, mix one part water, three parts sand, and 0.3 part lime. Experts suggest combining the following win-win ingredients to create a better coating:

  • prepare the ingredients: water, cement, sand and PVA glue; such a composition will cost much less than buying a ready-made factory mixture;
  • pour twenty liters of water into a fairly large container;
  • pour 150 – 200 grams of glue into it, you can add more;
  • mix everything;
  • start pouring cement and sand – gradually, until you get the desired consistency.

Because PVA glue is used in this method of preparation, the solution will stick to the base well. The glue prevents the finished coating layer from cracking and pulling away from the base, even if the wall wasn’t the best at first. The mixture’s elasticity is further increased by the addition of glue; it stretches nicely and is therefore very simple to apply to the wall. When the cement mortar dries, it also stops allowing moisture to pass through. Smoothing it out after application is much simpler. keeps its homogeneous structure when it’s dry.

Expert advice: By using this solution to create regular, basic plaster, you can form a coating layer that is thicker than what you would have without the use of PVA glue. Rather than a layer that is 3 to 5 centimeters thick, you can form a layer that is 5 to 8 centimeters thick, and you won’t need to use construction mesh for reinforcement. This is crucial for exterior finishing as well as in cases where the walls are highly uneven.

Gypsum mixture.

In the mixture for enhanced plaster, gypsum can be added in addition to cement. Experts state that adding a small amount of PVA glue to the mixture will result in a composition with higher indicators. A ratio of 10 to 15 liters of liquid to 100 to 150 grams of PVA is used for glue and water. As a result, the gypsum composition will be stronger and more suitable for use in coatings with better properties.

We perform a spray and make a primer.

A weak solution is first sprayed onto the wall. Since the spray composition is intended to prepare the surface for the application of the next layer, the primer, this is a significant technological moment. The spray solution’s liquid consistency makes it simple to get into all of the nooks and crannies. The mixture is poured into them. By doing this, the most level surface—a field for applying the primer—is produced. It’s critical to apply the spray precisely, covering every centimeter of the base surface. After that, the entire layer of plaster will stick to the wall firmly and won’t come off or crack for a very long time.

Application of the primer.

The primer is applied after the wall has been thoroughly sprayed with the solution. Using a trowel, it is applied, and a half-terrible is used to level it. In this situation, holding the float at a 150-degree angle to the surface is advised. First, movements are executed from top to bottom, and subsequently, from left to right. The primer layer should typically be between 15 and 20 millimeters thick. A rule is used to check its evenness. Small flaws are addressed with a fix if they exist.

Important note: a rule approximately two meters long is applied to the wall first horizontally, then vertically, and finally diagonally to ensure that the primer lies evenly.

This is the main layer of the plaster coating, which makes up its main thickness. It is with the help of the primer that the surface being finished is leveled. Therefore, it is very important to prepare the solution for this layer according to all the rules. Experts even recommend it to strain it to be completely confident in the absence of large inclusions, which can subsequently provoke the appearance on the finished coating of tubercles. In order not to have to deal with this problem later, scraping off these bulges, it is worth straining the solution, which contains cement, before starting to apply the primer. Then the improved plastering of the walls, SNIP for which clearly stipulates the quality criteria, will meet the requirements.

Last layer.

There is a method to the cover. After applying and leveling, it is rubbed. A pneumatic plastering bucket or a basic brush, a float, and a half-float are used for this. First, water is used to thoroughly moisten the dried primer. Now apply the cover in multiple layers with a brush. A half-float is utilized to level every layer. The mixture is rubbed on the surface once it has set. Use a wooden float and firmly press it up against the wall to accomplish this. Next, make a circle, then go up, down, and right, left.

The improved wall plaster in the SNiP should not be thicker than 15 millimeters overall. The application procedure is very intricate. Such work calls for specific knowledge and abilities. A novice is not likely to be able to handle it at the appropriate level by himself. It makes sense to invite experts as a result.

Important note: if the composition was bought from a store, then you must adhere strictly to the manufacturer’s instructions found on the mixture’s packaging when applying an improved plaster layer.

Aspect Description
SNiP Standards Regulations outline requirements for thickness, composition, and layering to ensure durability and proper adhesion.
Surface Preparation Walls must be clean, dry, and free from dust and grease before applying plaster layers.
Plaster Layering Application typically involves a base coat, leveling layer, and finishing coat for a smooth and even surface.
Drying Time Each layer should be allowed to fully dry before applying the next, ensuring better bonding and strength.
Finishing Techniques Smoothing and polishing methods vary depending on the desired final look and purpose of the wall.

When improved wall plastering is carried out in compliance with SNiP standards, walls are given superior protection, durability, and a smooth finish. The surface is even, durable, and aesthetically beautiful when the proper technology and procedures are used.

The best results are mostly dependent on important actions like adequate surface preparation, consistent layer application, and material selection. Work that satisfies industry standards is produced with greater quality when attention to detail and strict adherence to SNiP guidelines are followed.

Ultimately, regular walls can be transformed into well-finished, dependable surfaces that endure over time by comprehending and putting these improved plastering principles into practice.

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Elena Sokolova

Architect and interior designer with a deep interest in traditional and modern methods of wall finishing. On the site I share tips on choosing materials and techniques that help create a cozy and stylish space.

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